Depending on the nature of the client’s objective, design, implementation and execution of the desired project implementation, CR4 Solutions provides the best facilities for any of the partnership aspects between two companies in a national and International scale, such as:

Project procurement
Simple purchase and sell
And more ..

The most profitable business relationships between companies are the long-term arrangements. Even the simplest supplier or customer relationship will only be fully profitable to both parties if it is conceived and managed as a long-term partnership. The success of these partnerships depends on the ability of each partner to understand and reconcile the often very different business cultures and working methods.

CR4 Solutions support businesses in the analysis of their inter-company partnership plans. With years of experience in building automations with international partnerships at our disposal, CR4 Solutions provides businesses with the means to identify select and approach the industrial or international partners who best correspond to their objectives.

With the partner companies, CR4 Solutions establishes a plan for assistance and development. Whilst providing each partner company with an objective viewpoint, CR4 Solutions identifies and implements the changes required keeping the mutual benefits of the relationship at their optimum level.

CR4 Solutions will remain with the partners during the lifetime of the partnership our consultants have helped to set up.

contact info[at]cr4.hk